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Classes and interfaces for modifying models using UML Modeler's extensible commands.

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Package Description

Classes and interfaces for modifying models using UML Modeler's extensible commands.

The UML type API enriches common editing commands for many UML element types by extending them with "advice" comprising additional commands that are automatically composed with the basic editing commands such as element creation and deletion. For example, when a UML element is created, it is often assigned a default name and sometimes other related elements are also created, such as a collaboration and an interaction to provide the context for a new sequence diagram. Likewise, when a UML element is deleted from a model, some related elements are also deleted, such as an association when one of its member properties is deleted.

Package Specification

Extensible commands to create, move and destroy model elements are provided by the UMLElementFactory, which also has corresponding convenience methods to perform the creation, move or destroy directly. These editing commands modify the model using the Rational UML Modeler Platform editing domain. Some of the factory methods accept a map of requestParameters, whose keys can be any of the parameter names declared in the EditRequestParameters. The request parameter values carry information used by the extensible commands to perform the model editing operations. For example, the value of the EditRequestParameters.PROPERTY_TYPE parameter is used by the commands to initialize the type of a new UML property when it is created.

UMLElementTypes declares all of the UML element types (metamodel types and specialization types) available for use and extension. Some of these types implement additional interfaces which provide access to additional information carried in the type. For example, an IStereotypedElementType has a getter for the name of the stereotype that is applied to elements of its kind. The UML diagram types are declared in NotationElementTypes.

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