Interface IElementFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
FileEditorInputFactory, FileStoreEditorInputFactory

public interface IElementFactory
A factory for re-creating objects from a previously saved memento.

Clients should implement this interface and include the name of their class in an extension to the platform extension point named "org.eclipse.ui.elementFactories". For example, the plug-in's XML markup might contain:

 <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.elementFactories">
    <factory id="com.example.myplugin.MyFactory" class="com.example.myplugin.MyFactory" />
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Re-creates and returns an object from the state captured within the given memento.
  • Method Details

    • createElement

      IAdaptable createElement(IMemento memento)
      Re-creates and returns an object from the state captured within the given memento.

      If the result is not null, it should be persistable; that is,


      should not return null.

      memento - a memento containing the state for the object
      an object, or null if the element could not be created