Package org.eclipse.text.edits

package org.eclipse.text.edits
Provides support for describing and applying textual document editions.

A complex textual edition can be described by a tree of TextEdits. An edit can be applied to an IDocument by calling TextEdit.apply or by using a TextEditProcessor. Applying a text edit can record a reverse edit description that can be used to undo the edition.

Use the standard edit kinds to describe the basic document editing operations:
  • replace a document range: ReplaceEdit
  • delete a document range: DeleteEdit
  • insert text: InsertEdit
  • track a range while the document is being modified: RangeMarker

Other subclasses of TextEdit exist for specialized tasks. Use MultiTextEdit to compose a complex edit tree, or subclass it to provide a custom edit.

  • Class
    A CopyingRangeMarker can be used to track positions when executing text edits.
    A copy source edit denotes the source of a copy operation.
    A copy target edit denotes the target of a copy operation.
    Text edit to delete a range in a document.
    Text edit to insert a text at a given position in a document.
    A source modifier can be used to modify the source of a move or copy edit before it gets inserted at the target position.
    Thrown to indicate that an edit got added to a parent edit but the child edit somehow conflicts with the parent or one of it siblings.
    A move source edit denotes the source of a move operation.
    A move target edit denotes the target of a move operation.
    A multi-text edit can be used to aggregate several edits into one edit.
    A range marker can be used to track positions when executing text edits.
    Text edit to replace a range in a document with a different string.
    A text edit describes an elementary text manipulation operation.
    Copies a tree of text edits.
    A text edit group combines a list of TextEdits and a name into a single object.
    A TextEditProcessor manages a set of edits and applies them as a whole to an IDocument.
    A visitor for text edits.
    This class encapsulates the reverse changes of an executed text edit tree.