Configuring Createrepo Execution

To configure createrepo command execution, navigate to Window > Preferences and select the Createrepo preference node.

Include the file's checksum in the files generated by the command (enabled by default)
Generate sqlite databases for use with yum (enabled by default)
Ignore symlinks of packages (disabled by default)
Output xml files in pretty format (disabled by default)
Number of workers to spawn to read RPMs. A value of 0 lets createrepo to automatically determine it for the user (0 is default)
Don't generate repo metadata, if their timestamps are newer than its RPMs. User should Update first before executing createrepo with this enabled (disabled by default)
Only import the last N changelog entries from each RPM into the metadata. A value of 0 lets createrepo to automatically import all entries for the user (0 is default)
Choose the checksum type used in repomd.xml and for packages in the metadata ( sha256 is default)
Specify which compression method to use ( compat is default)

Repository Specific Configuration

The createrepo command may also be configured specific to the project/repository it is being executed on. To view/enable these settings, right-click on any Createrepo project > Properties and select the Createrepo property node.

Note that these settings are only visible to projects that were created with the Createrepo project or for .repo files.

The general project properties is almost identical to the preference page, except for allowing the user to choose if they want to enable the project properties.

Enable the project specific settings. If enabled, the settings set here are preferred over the workspace preferences (disabled by default)
A link to modify the workspace preferences. Clicking it will pop-up a new dialog box similar to that if the user were to navigate to Window > Preferences > Createrepo preference node.


Deltas tells createrepo to generate deltarpms and the delta metadata. These settings are visible under the Createrepo > Deltas project property node.

Generate deltarpms and the delta metadata for the repository (disabled by default)
The number of older versions to make deltas against (1 is default)
Max size of an RPM to run deltarpm against in MegaBytes (10 is default)
A list of paths to look for older packages to delta against. There can be multiple paths