Model RealTime 11.0 2021.04

174287: Difference in code generation of constexpr expression (default value assignment)

Code generation for variables with different combinations of global, constexpr, and initializer kinds have been improved and fixed.

174087: CQPAR00252953 Port tracing take 2 minutes to start

Performance of monitoring elements during a model debug session has significantly improved: from 2 min to 20 sec. This is achieved by monitoring only selected model element and not the entire application and filtering in events Trace Editor.

148351: RFE: Improve Qualified Names

The qualifiers included names of elements that are hidden in the Project Explorer. This often made qualified names long and complex. Qualified names are now always be computed in accordance with what elements are shown in the Project Explorer.

87981: Align tooltips of transition line and effect/guard decorators

The tooltip of the transition effect decorator was removed and instead the transition tooltip will be used. However, the tooltip for the guard decorator was kept since it usually contains much fewer lines of code (often just 1).