Model RealTime 11.0 2020.45

174127: CQPAR00252546 GeneralDependencyProperties on the top package are not considered by code generator

The problem with General Dependency properties specified on the top package has been fixed. Now Code Generator considers Property Sets defaults applied on the top package.

174096: CQPAR00252579 Incremental build re-builds everything

Incremental builds for different target platforms has been fixed. Now comments around common preface generated to unit header file do not contain the name of original TC file and do not result in rebuilding everything when switching between different platform TCs.

173633: CQPAR00248683 - Model RealTime: Do not use C-style pointer cast in generated code

C-style casts were removed from TargetRTS source files. Where needed corresponding C++ casts (static_cast<> and reinterpret_cast<>) are now used instead.

118377: operation parameters property page issues

Previously, the scrollbar made the table header and side toolbar scroll out of view. Now, the scroll bar works inside the table for the parameters tab.