Model RealTime 10.3 2020.16

173596: Model RealTime 10.3 2019.w43 crashes when opening certain models' Relationships tab

Redesigned the relationships tab and enhanced the design to avoid crashes for certain models as reported

173519: Unhandled event loop exception when showing previous searches

Fixed infinite recursion that may occur in model search result view.

173424: Model RealTime 10.3 - model compiler - CPPPropertySet settings in model libraries

Model compiler has been fixed to correctly handle CPPPropertySet settings defined in model libraries from an Eclipse plugin. Now, CPP native types like std::string and configurations such as "header preface" which are stored in CPPPropertySets in the referenced model library are correctly generated into C++. This has been fixed in Model RealTime 10.3 2020.16.

173366: Model RealTime 10.3 2019.w43 crashes when opening certain models' Relationships tab (indexing problem?)

Now the Relationship tab in the Property section is completely redesigned to fix the problem of crashing while opening certain models.
In the new Relationship tab now we have a single table that contains Incoming, Outgoing and Self-referencing relationships. Last but not the least, the context menu options are revamped to enrich user experience