Model RealTime 10.3 2019.11

172918: CQPAR00243164 - Remaining issues with Model Compiler and "Compile data classes individually"

Now inclusions for .h and .cpp files are not generated in UnitName.cpp and in corresponding .cpp files for elements, if corresponding element properties of 'Generate File' option are deselected. This was done in 10.3 2019.11
Also fixed a bug that prevented inclusion of .cpp files to UnitName.cpp if generation omitted for some of them. This was done in 10.3 2019.35

172909: CQPAR00243080 - Cosmetic error in output when building External Library tcjs from command line

Printout for ExternalLibrary TCs has been improved and fixed. Now, when running only transformation for ExternalLibrary TC (without --build), console output ends with correct information about Build folder and Build command, for example:
15:19:53 : INFO : Run make in folder: C:\_Work\tmp_test\ExternalLib
15:19:53 : INFO : Make command: make -d
15:12:35 : INFO : Run make in folder: Build folder is not specified for ExternalLibrary TC
15:12:35 : INFO : Make command: not specified for ExternalLibrary TC, libraries must be precompiled
This was done in 10.3 2019.11

172867: Trigger search behaves different when state is selected or not

Fixed selected element calculation for search scope.

172810: CQPAR00242145 - Executable is not built when performing an incremental build where only makefile settings changed in tcjs

Added support for incremental build when only build settings are changed in TCJS. For example, if you change compile settings in tcjs and nothing else, then all object files will be recompiled. If you change link flags in tcjs then only executable will be rebuilt.
This was done in 10.3 2019.11

172793: Update ILMT Tags for 10.3 2019.11

Files are updated

172686: CQPAR00240601 - RSA-RTE: Code generator generates incorrect code from model

Code generator now generates correct code for variadic templates and polymorphic wrappers for function objects. This was delivered in 10.3 2019.11

164883: Further requests on the CODAN support

We have updated the approach on providing compiler include paths and symbols needed for Codan support for the generated target projects.
Now if the flag "Generate additional information for Code Analysis" is specified, Model RealTime will add Compiler command with flags to the toolchain settings and apply CDT GCC Build-in Compiler Settings provider on the generated target projects, so it will automatically compute compiler symbols and include paths.
Supported only for GNU_make type.

134899: Support for generic transformation configuration dependency chain

Now, build system for Model RealTime models can be implemented with the new approach using BuildVariants.
We have demonstrated on a sample model that BuildVariants can solve the problem with increasing amount of transformation configurations for growing number of different target platforms.