Changes in Model RealTime 10.2

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.40 ifix4

173275: FIXFOR 10.2 ifix4 - Transitions not shown in inherited state diagram

Fixed an exception that prevented a state chart diagram rendered correctly.

173267: FIXFOR 10.2 ifix4 - CQPAR00244733 - Model Compiler cannot handle other drives than the C-drive in the "Build Folder" setting of an External Library tcjs

Model compiler used wrong build location for external library TC when its Build folder was on a different drive (D:).
This problem has been fixed in Model RealTime 10.2 2018.40-ifix4

173263: FIXFOR 10.2 ifix4 - CQPAR00246765 ALL_OBJS_LIST support in Model compiler

Defining ALL_OBJS_LIST = @$(ALL_OBJS_LISTFILE) in and using GNU_make type will have effect on the generated link command: it will contain a reference to objects list file @*.olist, also objects listed in the file will have correct extensions.
Verified to be correctly supported in Model RealTime 10.2 2018.40-ifix4

173254: FIXFOR 10.2 ifix4 - CQPAR00246782 $defaultMakeCommand for the recursive make call should be: $(MAKE)

For GNU_make type and Recursive generation of recursive make calls has been enhanced and now "$defaultMakeCommand" is replaced with $(MAKE) in generated
Also, if GNU make command is used, specification of target folder "$(IN) <target folder>" is replaced with "-C <target folder>" make option.
Both improvements are implemented for all recursive make calls including Make commands generated from External Library TCs.
So, now recursive make calls look like this:
all :
@$(ECHO) Building in folder ../../Lib1__target/default
@$(MAKE) -C ../../Lib1__target/default all
@$(ECHO) Building in folder ../../CppProject/Debug
@$(MAKE) -C ../../CppProject/Debug all
@$(ECHO) Building in folder .
@$(MAKE) -C . all
This change is needed to correctly support parallel builds with GNU make. Implemented in Model RealTime 10.2 2018.40-ifix4
See more documentation on $(MAKE):…ke.html#MAKE-Variable

173253: FIXFOR 10.2 ifix4 - CQPAR00238740 - RSA-RTE: Model Compiler: create option to detect source dependencies automatically

- Preference "Detect source dependencies automatically" was added to the C++ preference page
- Missing sources are added automatically by the Model Compiler when this preference is on
- Additional information about missing sources is printed into UML Development build console if "Report details about automatically added source elements" is enabled.
- Final message with overview of all added sources is printed like this :
12:41:06 : INFO : Adding missing sources on-the-fly to "AutoSources/buildWithPrereq.tcjs" :
'platform:/resource/AutoSources/AutoSources.emx#_N3m2EOqZEemPka_TKJ4ApA' /* AutoSources::Capsule2 */,
'platform:/resource/AutoSources/AutoSources.emx#_RVZyoOqZEemPka_TKJ4ApA' /* AutoSources::Local_RENAMED */,
'platform:/resource/OtherProject1/OtherProject1.emx#_CWreoOqbEemPka_TKJ4ApA' /* OtherProject1::OtherClass2 */,
'platform:/resource/OtherProject1/OtherProject1.emx#_AQqNUOqbEemPka_TKJ4ApA' /* OtherProject1::OtherClass1 */,
'platform:/resource/OtherProject1/OtherProject1.emx#_D516gOqbEemPka_TKJ4ApA' /* OtherProject1::OtherClass3 */
It is printed in such a format that you can just copy sources from the log and paste into TCJS editor into the Code tab and then save updates in TCJS file on disk.
- If there were missing sources found and automatically added into TCs, a warning message will be printed forcing developers to actually check if the sources were added correctly and save update list of sources into TCJS file:
16:04:33 : WARNING : Found elements which are not included as source into any TC, some of them could have been added into wrong context
Implemented in 10.2 2018.40-ifix4

173250: FIXFOR 10.2 ifix4 - Further requests on the CODAN support

Generation of target CDT projects has been improved to better support standard compiler include paths and symbols needed for CODAN.
Now if the flag "Generate additional information for Code Analysis" is specified, Model RealTime will add Compiler command with flags to the toolchain settings and apply CDT GCC Build-in Compiler Settings provider on the generated target projects, so it will automatically compute compiler symbols and include paths.
Supported only for GNU_make type.
Implemented in Model RealTime 10.2 2018.40-ifix4

173249: FIXFOR 10.2 ifix4 - ExternalTargetProject configuration causes issues with externalLibratyTC

ExternalTargetProject property is obsolete and it does not influence any more on the list of target projects used by Ant Build and some other tasks. This property is not added to *.tc files by TC editor and it is not converted to the new TCJS format.
ExternalTargetProject property will be removed from legacy TCs as soon as you start changing Build folder property in TC editor (but only if project specified in this property exists in your workspace).
If ExternalTargetProject property is not relevant and references a non-existing project, it will not be automatically removed from TC, but you can always remove it manually by deleting a line similar to this from your TC file:
<Property id="" value="@46,"/>
Fixed in Model RealTime 10.2 2018.40-ifix4

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.40 ifix3

173043: FIXFOR - Cannot run program "rtperl -S nmake"

ERROR : Cannot run program "rtperl -S nmake" appeared every second time you build a TC.
This problem has been fixed in Model RealTime 10.2 2018.40-ifix3

173040: FIXFOR - Null pointer exception when general tab in properties view is focused for an operation

Added NP-check when calculating some properties

173032: Fix FOR - git difftool (RSARTE two-way compare) is displaying the state diagrams incorrectly.

Check for RT context has been added.

173030: FIXFOR - Changed xmi:id when the profile version is updated on a model - more problems

Profile migration will keep xmi:id of existing stereotype applications for Marking models.
Fixed in Model RealTime 10.2 2018.40-ifix3

173024: FIXFOR - CQPAR00243783 - Environment variables are not resolved in External TCs 'build folder' field

Improved handling of External TC fields: now environment variables are resolved for External TCs Build folder. Also we are checking if Build folder exists before executing build.
Fixed in Model RealTime 10.2 2018.40-ifix3

172999: FixFor: During build without generating files not build info

Problem is fixed

172957: FIXFOR - CQPAR00243416 - Search fail with 'Provider "sourcecontrol" not installed' when files stored in RTC Source Control

Indexer and search now work with RTC-controlled projects.

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.40 ifix2

172868: FIXFOR - CQPAR00242470 - NPE when External Library tcjs file with relative path in "Build folder" built using Model Compiler from command line

Problem has been fixed in a way that relative path set in the build folder is resolved in a workspace folder and in the target project folder. If it can't be found, the error message is printed.

172865: FIXFOR - CQPAR00240875 Problem using: rtperl -S $defaultMakeCommand

Fixed problems when using "rtperl -S" before "make" in "Make command" field

172863: FIXFOR - Rsarte diagram display error for WRAT DcGroupBbResourceSetD

Fixed NPE for state chart diagrams.

172862: FIXFOR - Failed to create the part's controls

Diagrams showing broken associations can be opened.

172861: FIXFOR - CQPAR00242434 - Model Compiler fails when "External Library" tcjs file has make command with flags

Fixed Model Compiler to correctly treat make command with arguments specified for property "Build command" (in External Library TCs) or "Make command" (in common TCs).

172860: FIXFOR - CQPAR00241361 - Model Compiler gives a NPE when building an External Library and possibly missing some arguments

Model Compiler has been improved to validate values of external library transformation configurations, and produce warning or error messages in case if build can't be successfully completed.

172859: FIXFOR - CQPAR00241090 - Model Compiler does not generate an include of RTStructures.h when TC/TCJS (internally) contain an "empty" prerequisite entry

Model Compiler has been fixed to correctly generate #include <RTStructures.h> when Prerequisites is an empty list and TC is inheriting (contains Parents)

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.40 ifix1

172744: Deliver 10.2 - "Convert to JavaScript" on several TC have problems with converting same similar

Now conversion executed in non-parallel way for avoid race condition.

172742: 10.2 Delivery Merge - Search stops navigating to element in Project Explorer

Fixed stale update for Project Explorer that caused navigation problems.

172741: 10.2 Delivery Merge - The first click on function name in Properties does not select the function in Project Explorer

Properties form now doesn't scroll on focus gain so link selection is properly handled.

172738: 10.2 Delivery Merge - Blinking transition

Fixed selection highlighting to avoid blinking.

172698: 10.2 Delivery Merge - Model compiler usage causing memory leaks

Analysis of memory allocations during the builds from Model RealTime was made. Based on the result, data caching and work with loaded resources have been improved.

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.40

172384: Model fixup command line support for detection of issues

Created special Ant task for model fixup plugin.

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.36

172117: Please make it possible to create a Mapfile without starting Eclipse

The following features were implemented:
--root option can be specified multiple times. All values are merged. The last value overrides previous one
user can use construction like <path to dir>\* or <path to dir>/* to enable auto-scan for all sub-folders when resolving platform resource URIs
user can specify path to existing workspace in the --root option and model compiler will automatically detect location of projects based on workspace .metadata
user can specify TC/TCJS file using platform resource URI. For example: platform:/resource/MyProject/ . This gives additional flexibility when defining generic rule to run model compiler. Platform resource URI is resolved based on --root argument(s)
user can use env/system properties in --root option argument (via ${var} or $(var) syntax)

172082: Clear button in search box

Added "clear" icon to the search field.

171991: CQPAR00186758 - RSA-RTE: Drawing of simple arrows between states improvement

Fixed transition creation glitches, such as:
- incorrect feedback outline
- incorrect placement on state symbol
- incorrect placement on frame symbol
- incorrect routing of transitions when scrolling view.
This was delivered in 10.2 2018.36

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.33

172166: Transformation configuration model fixup - detect tc corruptions that result with exceptions and fix them

Based on the provided logs, there is only one corrupted TC found in the customer repository. There are two corrupted properties: Threads and Prerequisite list. To repair tc file, it is sufficient to first convert it to .tcjs file format, and second manually restore the properties lists mentioned above. Since there is no other corruption, separte fixup won't be required.

172039: Please invoke source code generation when model is modified

Implemented automatic source code generation on model changes. The feature will automatically regenerate source code when model is changed and saved.

171875: CQPAR00233225 - Moving part symbols destroy line layout

When moving parts, connectors between moving items keep their routing. This was done in 10.2 2018.33

163920: RFE Merge should support direct accepting of changes from both sides

New commands to " Resolve changes both with left and right contributors" and "Resolve all changes both with left and right contributors" were added to the :
- context menu on the selected conflict in the merge viewer;
- toolbar of the merge viewer;
The result of the command is to add both right and left changes, and present both annotations in the viewer ruler.


When a statemachine is created for a state, newly created entry/exit points reuse location from corresponding transition connectors. This was done in 10.2 2018.33

151188: Minor trouble with "Position from Superclass view"

When 'Position from Superclass view' is used, line styles 'closest distance' and 'avoid obstruction' are reset. Also setting them back clears the 'Position from Superclass view' option in menu.


When a statemachine is created for a state, newly created entry/exit points reuse location from corresponding transition connectors. This was done in 10.2 2018.33


Fixed routing of transitions directed from sub-state diagram frame. This was done in 10.2 2018.33
Also fixed routing of lines when scrolling viewport.

134184: Object not considered changed until focus is lost in "Properties" view.

Problem was solved by forcing focus to another view from Properties before running build (when it is launched using key bindings Shift+Alt+B or Ctrl +B).

118905: New transitions are not WYSIWYG

Fixed transition placement for sub-statemachines.

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.27

172238: Model Compiler Server hangs when RSARTE is accessed via VPN where ports are blocked

Now tool should properly check if ports are in use and does not hang. User may check error log for details.

172088: Search box can't find UehUeCtxtTestDriver_native_exe until imported manually

Search is started only after indexing is complete to make sure none external project is missing in results.

172079: Double clicking on search results has no effect.

Double-click event is handled correctly now for Search match even if the corresponding model element is not loaded yet.

171992: CQPAR00188131 - RSARTE: Not able to absorb protocol fragment

Context menu has been fixed to list all refactoring related commands on Protocols. This was delivered in 10.2 2018.27

171982: CQPAR00008005 - RSA-RTE Model execution: double click on event: inject signal

The new column "Last Sent To" has been added to the event view.
It contain a name of debug entity where the event was sent the last time.
Double click behavior has been changed.
Instead of project explorer navigation it triggers event sending to that entity.
This was delivered in 10.2 2018.27

171980: CQPAR00008009 - RSA-RTE: trigger build when starting debug session after changing model

Build is performed every time before starting a model debugger session. This was done in 10.2 2018.27

171534: CQPAR00222558: Refactoring on protocol fragments gives faulty alternatives

Refactoring Context menu on Protocols has been fixed to show only correct commands. This was part of 10.2 2018.27

171533: CQPAR00222548 - Project Explorer protocol icon not indicating protocol saved in fragment file

Protocol elements in PE are now decorated with the "fragment' icon when their containers are extracted to separate .efx files. This was done in 1.2 0218.27

164931: Adding warning message when opening very large files in CDT editor for editing

Information about large test capsule that caused CDT scalability warning was provided .

157230: RFE: Simplify TC file format

Completed work on TCJS format

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.24

172182: CQPAR00235248 - RSA-RTE: Let Automatic reference fixup work recursively over controlled units

Automatic reference fixup goes through all owned model fragments recursively now. This was delivered in 10.2 2018.24

172165: Model Compiler: add support for using environment variables in options file (--optionsfile argument)

The functionality of --optionsfile option of the Model Compiler has been reviewed and corrected. Support of env variable was added.

172164: Model compiler crashes when using "--optionsfile" with --env attribute defined in configuration file

Model Compiler was fixed to correctly handle -env setting.

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.21

172080: Improve handling of transformatiion configurations as linked resources

Added warning when linked resources are used in model or transformation configuration files. The warning is generated when building with model compiler and model compiler tries to resolve URI that corresponds to linked resource.

171573: CQPAR00224741 - Repairing Workspace References does not mark files as dirty

Model files are marked as dirty properly now. This was deliverd in 10.2 2018.21

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.18

172097: CQPAR00235686 - No mapfile generated in very specific situations

Problem with generating map file was fix by removing condition of project accessebility. This was done in 10.2 2018.18

172033: NullPointerException when clicking Appearance button

Null pointer exception does not occur in this case anymore.

131018: Integration with Gerrit (closure compare/merge support)

Logical and closure modes are not supported by eGerrit integration.

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.15

172001: Compare/Merge Editor: Add Navigate to Diagram command to the context menu of change list compartment

New command "Navigate to Diagram" was added into the context menu on selection in the change list compartment of compare/merge editor to the list of existing navigation commands. This command is presented and enabled by default, if the element does not contain diagram references, message dialog would be shown informing that diagram can't be found in workspace.

172000: CQPAR00234062 - Compare/Merge Editor: Rename Navigate to Project Explorer command

Command name for navigation to Project Explorer from compare/merge editor was changed to "Show in Project Explorer". This was delivered in 10.2 2018.15

171538: Referenced Models is incorrect on the References tab in the model editor

Now model editor shows referenced and referencing models correctly.

164930: Egerrit integration with RSARTE

- Model RealTime has been fixed to invoke compare session when double click on the file in eGerrit view
- Order of contributors has been corrected when compare session is launched from eGerrit context
- Documentation has been updated

144182: CQPAR00186734 - RSA-RTE: Overriding trigger effect generates unexpected code

If there is no code for the transition in the super capsule, then the CALLSUPER macro in the inheriting capsule will be defined to an empty string, to avoid compilation errors if the effect code uses it. This has been fixed in model compiler in Model RealTime 10.2 2018.15

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.12

171851: 2584: Incorrect prompt in the search tool

Improved search proposals handling of search field content.

171837: CQPAR00232322 - One get a NPE when showing the properties for passive C-class operation

Property service was correct to handle C model elements. This was delivered in 10.2 2018.12

171802: CQPAR00231426 - Cannot redefine inherited entry/exit actions to empty text

It is possible to redefine entry/exit actions with empty code now. This was delivered in 10.2 2018.12

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.09

171828: Model Compiler: Remove pre-compiled external libraries from _LIBS_DEPS list ( file)

Libraries that come from External C++ Library TCs are included only into the _LIBS list used for linking. Pre-compiled external libraries are not included into the _LIBS_DEPS list in

171791: CQPAR00231383 - Overridden entry code in inherited capsule state not taken into consideration by code generator after import RoseRT->RSARTE

Corrected RoseRT importer to handle cases when entry/exit actions are redefined to empty text. This was delivered in 10.2 2018.09


One line for each connector is displayed now. This was delivered in 10.2 2018.09


Existing execution event is reused when pasting combined fragment now. This was delivered in 10.2 2018.09


Size of combined fragment is adjusted properly now. This was delivered in 10.2 2018.09

171559: CQPAR00230473 Undo not possible after cut using ctrl+x

This problem is no longer visible and most likely was fixed indirectly. This was delivered in 10.2 2018.09

171554: Option to remove locally imported projects from GUI perspective

Added command to File menu to remove all projects from workspace.

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.06

171748: Create new transition trigger model validation constraint

The new model constraint has been added.
It has the warning severity as is executed in the batch(on demand) mode.

171747: Model Compiler: Improve sources closure analysis for forward references

Model compiler sources closure analysis has been improved. Now it does not include types used only as forward reference.
One of the examples is pointer to a class with "forward reference" dependency kind specified for header and implementation.

171717: RSARTE: problem with setting default vaule of a parameter

Classic Builder was incorrectly generating string literals used as default value for operation parameter. Quotes was omitted which resulted in compilation errors. This problem has been fixed in Model RealTime 10.2 2018.06.
Also, we have found a good workaround for the problem - you can use a macro as string default value:
- in the Code View for the class containing operation parameter with default string value add a macro definition into Header Preface: #define oneSpace " "
- and use value oneSpace without quotes as default value for operation parameter

171606: Hard distinguish between adding a Service or interanl port on a capsule part

When placing port symbol on a capsule part service port is being created always now.

171594: Read-only boolean stereotype attributes displayed incorrectly

Corrected showing read-only boolean attributes of custom stereotypes

171591: CQPAR00225632 - Coregions in Sequence diagrams added with an increasing distance to current content for each time added

Distance between coregions is set properly now. This is delivered in 10.2 2018.06

171575: CQPAR00225058- "Open Type" button misplaced in properties pages for Capsule partgd

"Open Type" button position has been improved. This was delivered in v10.2 2018.06.

171560: Changed xmi:id when the profile version is updated on a model

Profile migration will keep xmi:id of existing stereotype applications

171514: CQPAR00221447: Prerequisite builds added in the wrong order into when using Classic builder

Fixed the order of recursive make calls for Classic Builder. Now, make commands for prerequisite TCs will be generated in reverse order - from bottom(inner-most) to top TC. This is delivered in 10.2 2018.06

171195: CQPAR00214844 Editing enumeration literals cumbersome for long enums

Problem with vertical scroll bar has been fixed. This is delivered in 10.2 2018.06.

165386: CQPAR00213365: Signature field of Class Operation looses closing parenthesis when field is selected

Problem with using parathesis in Operation Signature field was fixed. This is delivered in 10.2 2018.06

Model RealTime 10.2 2018.03

171713: vmargs for modelcompiler.jar should be redefinable

Now it is possible to change JVM arguments for the Model Compiler build process with the new preference "UML Development -> Real-time C++ Transformations-> Model Compiler -> VM arguments". When changing default values to the custom, all running builds will take custom arguments.

171688: CQPAR00227554 Variables not expanded in External Library TCs properties

Added support for environment variables in "Include file name" property for External C++ Library TCs. This was delivered in 10.1/10.2 2018.03

171687: CQPAR00227552 - Model Compiler do not generate Inclusion paths specified for external library into the Makefile

Include paths from External C++ Library TCs are now correctly generated into the list of include paths for the TC that have External TCs as prerequisite, directly or indirectly through other TCs. This was delivered in 10.1/10.2 2018.03

171680: CQPAR00227467 - Copy/paste of an Interaction with Sequence Diagram causes messages to loose information and new connectors to be created

Message information is preserved when copying an interation now.
Unnecessary connectors are not created anymore. This was delivered in v10.2 2018.03

171676: CQPAR00227502 Enable Model Compiler to generate a map file specifying the project locations

It is now possible to create map and environment file using ant task.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project default="createMapFile" name="Generate Map Files for Workspace" basedir=".">
<target name="createMapFile">
< mapFilePath="path_to_mapfile"/>
<target name="createEnvFile">
< envFilePath="path_t0_env_file"/>
This is delivered in 10.2 2018.03

171675: CQPAR00227500 Enable Model compiler to generate 0.list file format without the object file extension

By default, model compiler will always generate object file names without extension into *.olist files.
The only case when *.o extension will be added is for GNU make type and only if ALL_OBJS_LIST is redefined like this:
either in TargetRTS in or in TC in Compilation Make Insert. This was delivered in 10.1 and 10.2 2018.03

171669: CQPAR00227445 - Refactoring Sequence Diagram messages into a new Interaction rearranges ports

Refactoring into new interaction preserves messages's port information now. This was delivered in 10.2 2018.03

171668: CQPAR00227443 - Copy/Paste of message in Sequence diagram does not preserve correct ports on the message

Ports are preserved during the copy/paste of a message now. This was delivered in v10.2 2018.03

171663: CQPAR00227433 - RTStructures.h not included by Model Compiler if Prerequsite TC is of C++ type

Inclusion of RTStructures.h is now correctly processed by model compiler when prerequisite TC is of C++ type. This was delivered in v10.2 2018.03

171661: CQPAR00227430 - Interactions created via "Refactor into new Interaction" does not get a default Sequence Diagram

Interactions created via "Refactor into new Interaction" command are getting its sequence diagram set as main properly now, as well as created via "Interaction Use" symbol. This was delivered in 10.2 2018.03

171649: Requesting a Fixup-plugin and enhanced functionality for Structure diagrams under Collaborations

The new model fixup has been added to the model fixup plugin.
It has the name "Connector ends updater".
It is possible to run it both in analysis and update mode.
When creating a new connector in a composite structure diagram of a collaboration the tool is setting up 'part with port' information properly now.

171590: Synchronization of generated code/source code if user updates generated code outside of RSARTE

Optimized and fixed existing batch code synchronizer.
The command is available on TC (old and tcjs) , CDT projects and source files. It should work with classic builder and model compiler
There is also 'Synchronize Workspace' command in the 'Build active TC' command drop-down menu.
For better performance it is recommended to load all models before running synchronization.
Added Ant task

Model RealTime 10.2 2017.49

171639: CQPAR00226990 - RTStructures.h included in "UnitName.h" by Model Compiler when having "Environment" set to C++

Corrected behavior for pure C++ build
This is delivered in 10.2 2017.49

171638: CQPAR00226987 - Model Compiler generates faulty forward declaration for class with attribute of nested class

Corrected generation of forward declaration for nested classes. Fixes made on Neon and Oxygen streams.
This is delivered in 10.1 2017.49 and 10.2 2017.49

171612: CQPAR00226380 - Multi-threaded code generator does not generate Implementation Preface for Constructor

Corrected source code generation
This is deliverd in 10.1/10.2 2017.49

171592: CQPAR00225636 - Model search result is not jumping to the expected code line

Search match highlighting in code editor works properly now.
This is delivered in 10.1/10.2 2017.49

171581: Show source in editor is navigating to header file instead of code in implementation

Problem has been fixed.

171580: CQPAR00225168 - Wrong information in mouse hover details for refined ports

Tooltips for redefined elements are now correctly shown on Structure diagrams. Also, properties view shows element link for redefined RT connector correctly.
This is delivered in 10.2 2017.49

171576: RFE Hide virtual diagram folder by default

Virtual Diagram folder is hidden by default now.

171558: RSARTE Model Search fail

Fixed selected OpaqueBehavior processing on search dialog initialization.

171555: Moving connector from behavior to relay port looses the capsule part field at the connector end

Problem has been fixed, also it is now possible to reconnect connector in case if it was not created before. Validation rules for connector ends were added.

171506: CQPAR00221114 - Search do not find anything in "Properties - C++ General - Implementation Type"

Added all stereotype attributes to search index.
This is delviered in 10.2 2017.49

170627: CQPAR00218951: A Connector is not properly visualized in a Composite State diagram under certain circumstances

Connector is visualized properly now.
This is delivered in 10.2 2017.49


Fixed imports/exports index functionality.
This is delivered in 10.1 2017.49 and 10.2 2017.49

161766: CQPAR00208930 CUSTOM STEREOTYPE ATTRIBUTES are not indexed

This is now fixed and delivered in 10.1 2017.49 and 10.2 2017.49


Now all stereotype attributes are indexed.
This is delivered in 10.1 2017.49 and 10.2 2017.49


Added an error message for corrupted state machines (instead of NPE):
Cannot compute target for the given transition, the model is corrupted
This was delivered in 10.2 207.49

136829: CQPAR00143653 - Make it possible to change the scope in the search dialogue

The new drop down has been added to the selection scope in the dialog.
It allows to change selection scope to point to any parent of a model element.
This is delivered in 10.1/10.2 2017.49

Model RealTime 10.2 2017.46

169026: Uplift to Oxygen-1 version and new CDT 9.3.0

All works fine with new eclipse version.

160904: Make the location of the 'rsa-rt' folder customizable

Now installation in readonly eclipse folder is possible for main features and described in documentation.