Model RealTime 10.2 2018.15

172001: Compare/Merge Editor: Add Navigate to Diagram command to the context menu of change list compartment

New command "Navigate to Diagram" was added into the context menu on selection in the change list compartment of compare/merge editor to the list of existing navigation commands. This command is presented and enabled by default, if the element does not contain diagram references, message dialog would be shown informing that diagram can't be found in workspace.

172000: CQPAR00234062 - Compare/Merge Editor: Rename Navigate to Project Explorer command

Command name for navigation to Project Explorer from compare/merge editor was changed to "Show in Project Explorer". This was delivered in 10.2 2018.15

171538: Referenced Models is incorrect on the References tab in the model editor

Now model editor shows referenced and referencing models correctly.

164930: Egerrit integration with RSARTE

- Model RealTime has been fixed to invoke compare session when double click on the file in eGerrit view
- Order of contributors has been corrected when compare session is launched from eGerrit context
- Documentation has been updated

144182: CQPAR00186734 - RSA-RTE: Overriding trigger effect generates unexpected code

If there is no code for the transition in the super capsule, then the CALLSUPER macro in the inheriting capsule will be defined to an empty string, to avoid compilation errors if the effect code uses it. This has been fixed in model compiler in Model RealTime 10.2 2018.15