Model RealTime 10.1 2017.28

166401: CQPAR00214925: New Scoped search does not find triggers when specified in another model

Now references to element defined outside selection scope are included into search results.

166071: Corrupting model files during save operation after erroneous loading of a model

If user loaded the model which contained broken redefinition references, and this model file was processed by RTE redefinition, then next time he tries to save it he will get message dialog warning that save could lead to corrupted model.
New preference "Save model resource with removed broken references" has been added to "UML Development -> Real-Time -> Resource Resolution" page to control action on save: prompt, never/always save.
If model is loaded correctly, no dialog will be presented.

165937: CQPAR00214277: The Scoped search in some circumstances takes too long time (20-30 times longer than expected)

Now for selection-scoped search possible resources containing selection and its descendants are calculated and query is performed limited to elements belonging to these resources.

165507: CQPAR00213788: The --list option for Model Compiler do not resolve SHLIB_EXT and EXEC_EXT variables

Model compiler now resolves SHLIB_EXT, EXEC_EXT and other macros defined in TargetRTS settings while printing file names for --list option.

165408: UC: generating specific element only script now supports generation of specific element(s) only. For that you should specify elements with qualified names in -gensource option like this: -tc <TC> -gensource "@DrhBaseSsLU::DrhBaseListSsLPkg::DrhBaseTableD"
To get qualified names for all elements included into the build, use -listsources option like this: -tc <TC> -listsources
Then you can copy qualified names for selected elements and pass them to -gensource option.
If you know only the name or a part of name for the required element, use -listbyname to look for all matching sources, like this: -tc <TC> -listbyname TableD

164593: CQPAR00212252 Get an 'UnknownFormatConversionException' when converting tc to js

Fixed conversion to JS format

In addition 2 incidents were fixed in this release.