Model RealTime 10.1 2017.13

159235: CQPAR00205927 - RSARTE: MC: provide information on tc's

Added special command line flag to model compiler "--genBuildInfoRules" that will generate special rules into for printing actual build information into a file.
Build information contains: list of full paths to all generated sources, all compiled object files, list of all includes and libraries, full path to target library or executable, information about actual compile/link/archive commands and its actual arguments and list of all prerequisites required for building top TC.
You do not need to run actual build in order to get this information.
Use these command line options to get only build info generated: --genBuildInfoRules --generate=makefile --build=build_info
var MyExe = { top: true, path: 'C:/' }
MyExe.suppliers = [ Library3, Library1, Library2, Executable1 ] = 'C:/MyExe_target/default/MyExe.EXE'
ExeWithEmptySources.sources = [
MyExe.objects = [
This was delivered in 10.1 2017.13


If project is missing from projects map file the following error message will be printed:
13:45:17 : ERROR : Can not find path for project 'Test1' in projects map file 'C:\work\', add Test1=<project path>
Null pointer exception (NPE) in model compiler has been fixed.
This was delivered in 10.1 2017.13

147303: Cannot open RSARTE files from History View - options that cannot be used should be disabled

After some testing we decided to use default text editor to open model and tc files from history view.
Sometimes user needs a way to check something in history. It is better to show model as text rather than disable 'open in editor' command completely.

144769: Model compiler should take license

License support has been added for the Model Compiler. To add license information, use following option
--license=<type>:<value> where type can be flex|key; value is either port@server(or list of servers) or authorized user license. For example, will work with 1 license server
--license=key: 00AAAAAAAAAAAAA will use authorized user license - will work with the list of servers
It is possible to set with the environmental variable Model RealTime_MODEL_COMPILER_LICENSE=<type>:<value>.
When working with the Model Compiler from Model RealTime GUI, active license will be applied.

131049: Project auto import multi repo/path support

When performing a refactoring it's now possible to automatically import external projects, that are affected by the refactoring, into the workspace.

In addition 2 incidents were fixed in this release.