Model RealTime 10.1 2017.04

156277: Misleading error printouts rsa_rt/tools/cmcmdline.jar (Permission denied) should be removed

Now process checks contents of source and destinations before copying.
Copying will be started only if destination miss anything from source.


Fixed EMX file indexer so index contains correct information about fragmented references.


Problem was fixed by apping migration handler to old gmf notation from version.

149025: RFE: Diagrams: Navigate to super class element from a redefined or excluded element

The new context menu commands "Show State in Superclass", "Show Transition in Superclass" and "Show Port in Superclass" has been added to the "Navigate" sub menu of the diagram editor.

149024: RFE: Navigate to type of attribute, port and parameter (Properties view)

"Show in Project Explorer" sub menu has been added to the context menu of the Attributes, Parameters and Ports property sections. It allows to navigate either to the model element or to its type/protocol.

149023: RFE: Navigate to target element of dependency (Properties view)

The new context menu commands "Navigate->Dependency" and "Navigate->Target Element" has been added to the context menu of the "Dependencies" property section of the properties view.

149022: RFE: Navigate to the source state for a triggered transition (Project explorer)

The new context menu command "Navigate->Show Source State" has been added to the project explorer nodes representing transitions.

149021: RFE: Navigate to super class element from a redefined or excluded element (Project explorer)

The new context menu commands "Show State in Superclass", "Show Transition in Superclass" and "Show Port in Superclass" has been added to the "Navigate" sub menu of the project explorer nodes representing redefined or excluded states, transitions and ports.

148986: RFE: Navigate to elements related to a trigger (Project explorer)

The new context menu commands "Show Event", "Show Data Class of Event", "Show Port…" and "Show Protocol…" has been added to the "Navigate" submenu of transition trigger node in the project explorer.
For triggers in a passive state machines the new context menu command "Show Trigger Operation" has been added.

148350: RFE: Improve property pages for Literals and Parameters

Literals property section contains two columns now: icon and signature. Parameters property section contains three columns now: icon, direction and signature.

148349: RFE: Reorganize property pages

- Properties "Polymorphic" ("Inline") in the general section for operation are now placed on the same row with other qualifiers.
- Layout of general section for attributes has been modified by removing browse button to the right of the "Default Value" property and improving layout of text fields ("Type' and "Default Value").

148201: RFE: Navigate to type of attribute, port and parameter (Project explorer)

The new context menu command "Show Type" has been added to the project explorer. It is available for all typed elements such as attributes, parameters and ports.
The existing diagram editor context menu command "Show Type in Project Explorer" has been renamed to "Show Type".

136832: CQPAR00008678 - Model search: highlight/select the search string

Fixed with new Search implementation released in sprint 2015.50

136830: CQPAR00138361 - Enable searching for triggers too in the model search

Fixed with new Search implementation released in sprint 2015.50

136828: CQPAR00155683 - Model Search does not find parameter types

Fixed with new Search implementation released in sprint 2015.50

134019: Headless build reqires display

The model compiler is now ready to be used for batch builds in production. It does not have any UI dependencies at all, and hence does not require a display.

129860: model search for tabs does not work

Now search also performs "whole-string" matching, i.e. tries to find occurrence of the whole query string along with word-split search. To search only exact occurrence, quotes could be used. Tabs and spaces should be put verbatim (\t is not expanded to tab character).

111514: Provide a way to search for element with a specific keyword (or stereotype)

Searching for keywords and stereotypes are now supported by the new search implementation.

In addition 56 incidents were fixed in this release.