Model RealTime 10.0 2016.32


Corrected exit code of XtoolsTypemanager for compare operations

139292: Errors in problems view after compilation related to some kind of validation that later disappear

Analysis of reported problems showed that Property(-s) referenced by associations does not exist in the model files. This can be treated as a model corruption, possibly caused by silent squash merge (or other merge operations). It is recommended to fix broken references manually.

138750: Java core dump while building in rsarte

We can not reproduce the slow performance/hanging in Model RealTime, so it seems like this has been fixed indirectly by other improvements.

138319: Stack overflow after refresh workspace

Inheritance explorer problem has been fixed.

136825: CQPAR00130070 - Fix order of Tabs in Code View windows

Implemented preference 'Preferences -> Code View -> Fixed order of tabs' to allow fixed order of tabs in the Code View.
By default it will show non-empty tabs first (like before). If preference is enabled, tool will not sort tabs and show them in fixed order.

136820: CQPAR00171143 - Create option to use fixed sequence of Code View tabs

The following tabs are hidden in the code view by default now:
1) 'Constructor Initializer' for operations with name that does not match enclosing class/capsule
2) 'Public Declarations', 'Protected Declarations' and 'Private Declarations' for passive classes with 'Class Kind' set to 'typedef'.
3) 'Copy Function Body', 'Decode Function Body', 'Destroy Function Body', 'Encode Function Body', 'Init Function Body', 'Type Descriptor Hint' for passive classes with 'Generate Descriptor' set to 'False'.
4) 'Header Ending' and 'Header Preface' for elements with 'Generate files' set to 'Implementation'.
5) 'Implementation Ending' and 'Implementation Preface' for elements with 'Generate files' set to 'Header'.

117610: refactor rename usability issues

If the checkbox 'Run active transforms after refactoring to re-synchronize code' is enabled when pressing 'OK' or 'Preview' buttons and there are no active transformation configuration in the project the new dialog will appear allowing to make some transformation configuration an active one.

103192: Find TC that depend on a given TC

This functionality is available by means of the context menu 'Visualize->Explore in Browse Diagram'.
In Model RealTime 10 2016.32 we have added support for incremental search in a browse diagrams.

84986: TR1090: Ability to delete projects in workspace without modifying references

This functionality is available already.
When you delete a transformation configuration or a project containing some transformation configurations it is possible to press the 'Preview' button.
In the appeared dialog the check box 'Update UML Real Time properties in transformation configuration files.' can be un-checked in order to get the desired behavior.
In Model RealTime 10 we have renamed it to 'Remove references from depending transformation configurations'.