Model RealTime 10.0 2016.17

134327: No information while merging TC threads

Comparison of two TC files generated a java error in very specific situations. Corrected behavior of Compare/Merge when merging 'Thread' property of transformation configurations
It was fixed in Model RealTime 9.1.2 CP1 2015.25.

133445: C/M Usability: Resizing a Symbol

The changes of height and width for a symbol that has been resized are now grouped under a single "Change Size" node by Compare/Merge.

133444: C/M Usability: Moving a Symbol

Deltas related to symbol position changes are grouped into 'Drag [view]' composites.

125140: unclear conflict description when merging

No longer reproducible.

100140: Merge: Filter to ignore graphical changes when they will not affect model logic

1 Added preferences to UML Compare/Merge pref page to control
-conflict suppression strategy: defines how to deal with suppressed conflicts (select left or right version)
- pure notation conflict generation (resize/move/line routing etc). By default conflicts are generated
2 The corresponding command line options are:
Version selection for conflict suppression:
Defines which version is applied to merged result when conflict is suppressed. Default is 'left'.
Conflict suppression for view element changes (move/resize/line routing etc):
Enable/disable conflict suppression for view element changes. Default is 'off'.
3 Added 'Show code changes' filter to filter out all deltas unrelated to code changes
4 Property sets changes are shown under related container when hierarchical view is used
5 Corrected rendering of property set changes